Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Orientation Films. 1942 - 1949. THIS IS THE PHILIPPINES


Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Orientation Films. 1942 - 1949. THIS IS THE PHILIPPINES


Reel 1, Japanese planes bomb Manila in 1941; civilians seek shelter. Japanese tanks and infantry advance through jungles and into Manila. Japanese planes bomb Corregidor; antiaircraft on the island is fired. Japanese troops land; U.S. troops surrender. Shows massed prisoners. Gen. Wainwright arrives at the surrender conference. The American flag is lowered; Japanese troops parade. Describes, by animation, resources and the strategic position of the Philippines. Reel 2 dramatizes Magellan's discovery of the islands and the Battle of Manila Bay. Shows scenes at Santo Tomas University, Filipino military cadets in training, the Supreme Court, Pres. Quezon, children on church, Moro tribesmen on Mindanao, Gens. Pershing and MacArthur, Moro dancers, and fishing vessels at sea. Reel 3 shows Negrito pygmies and Igorot tribesmen, terraced rice fields, irrigation ditches, Filipino women in homes and offices, an outdoor barbecue, market places, Japanese troops marching, and Filipinos attending baseball, swimming, horse racing, and boxing contests. Reel 4 describes siesta time. Trees are felled; sugar cane harvested; tobacco cut and rolled into cigars; and hemp processed. Filipino troops receive basic training. Shows Gen. MacArthur, the recording of the last message received from Corregidor, and a U.S. fleet at sea.

eng, Latn

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